SCTL News & Updates
Past Events: 2017
SASI en Espanol Meeting at Adelante of Suffolk County!
Thursday, December 14th 6:30pm-8:30pm
Thursday, December 14th 6:30pm-8:30pm
We were so excited to visit one of the newest chapters of SASI, SASI en Espanol! Dr. Matthew Lerner and the SCTL team were excited to attend the Suffolk Aspergers/Autism Support & Information (SASI) support group meeting at Adelante of Suffolk County in Brentwood! The SASI support group is for parents and families with children on the autism spectrum to support one another and share resources, and it has now expanded a chapter to reach Spanish-speaking families! Dr. Matthew Lerner spoke at this meeting and the SCTL team was present to speak about our current studies. We were so glad to meet with you! Further information about SASI can be found on the SASI website. More information about Adelante of Suffolk County can be found here.
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab was so glad to invite families in the community to our fifth annual Music and ASD Event right here at Stony Brook University! This year we also had the opportunity to feature a SCTL Fair with a lot of fun games! This event took place in the Music Building (Fine Arts 1) of the Staller Center on our campus. Children had the chance to visit different rooms to listen to and play with instruments from the orchestra and world music ensembles. Musicians also performed familiar pieces of classical music and Disney songs. Stay tuned for the next event in the Spring!
Dr. Matthew Lerner and the SCTL team were so happy to attend the monthly Suffolk Aspergers/Autism Support & Information (SASI) support group meeting at Mather Hospital. This support group is for parents and families with children on the autism spectrum to support one another and share resources. Dr. Matthew Lerner spoke at this meeting and the SCTL team got a chance to share about our current studies. Further information can be found on the SASI website.
ABCT is a multidisciplinary organization whose goal is to enhance human functioning through behavioral, cognitive, and other evidence-based principles and therapies. SCTL Director, Dr. Lerner, was a co-Chair of the Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders (ASDD) Special Interest Group (SIG) from 2013-2016. This SIG is committed to sharing and disseminating recent findings and ideas related to ASD and developmental disorders, as well as promoting training in evidence-based methodologies in across psychosocial interventions for this population. For more information, or to join the ASDD SIG, visit the SIG website. For more information on ABCT, please visit their website.
This year, several SCTLers presented their wonderful work:
This year, several SCTLers presented their wonderful work:
- SCTL Director Dr. Matthew Lerner and Ph.D. student Erin Kang were chairs at the symposium titled, Electrophysiological Correlates of Treatment Outcomes for Youth Populations.The work of Erin Kang, Tamara Rosen, Rebecca Weber and Dr. Matthew Lerner was also presented at this symposium session. Dr. Matthew Lerner was a panelist on the talk, Models for Training Clinical Scientists.
- The work of students Alan Gerber, Alexander Mulhall, Erin Kang and Lauren Wagler, Impact of Psychotropic Medication Use on Outcomes of a Group Social Skills Intervention, was presented at the poster session ADHD - Child; Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders.
- The work of Sam Sommer, Alan Gerber, Lee Ann Santore, Rachit Bhatt, Christopher McLean and Dr. Matthew Lerner, Hostile Attribution Bias in ASD Youth Predicts Treatment Response to Social Skills Intervention, was presented at the poster session, ADHD - Child; Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders.
- The work of Lee Ann Santore, Erin Kang, Christopher Esposito, Samantha Sommer, Amanda Stoerback, Deborah Gross, and Dr. Matthew Lerner, Self-Reported Social Skills Importance Ratings Predict Sociometric Status in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder, was presented at the poster session, ADHD - Child; Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders.
The SCTL was excited to attend the Fall Conference organized by the Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism Association. The theme for this year's conference was "Education and Lifelong Learning for Students on the Autism Spectrum". As always, we were so grateful to gain knowledge on these critically important issues for individuals on the Autism spectrum and their families. For more information on this event and featured speakers, follow this link.
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab was honored to present a talk by Dr. Sonya Girdler, Associate Professor and Director of Curtin University Autism Research Group in Australia. Dr. Sonya Girdler is a leader in the study of person-centered systems of supports, interventions, and services for individuals with ASD and other developmental disorders. During her talk, Dr. Girdler discussed the environmental factors that influence the lives of individuals with ASD as well as targets for potential interventions aimed at improving environmental supports for this population. We were pleased to see that clinicians, therapists, researchers, service providers, parents, and students attended this talk.
For more information on the talk, you can click here. For further information on the wonderful work done by the Group, please click here.
For more information on the talk, you can click here. For further information on the wonderful work done by the Group, please click here.
Autism Speaks held its Long Island Walk at Jones Beach State Park at Field 5. Several vendors were present at this event advertising local services for the Autism community here on Long Island!
The SCTL was excited to attend the Long Island Parent's Day for the first time ever! Families and their children were treated to fun, family friendly activities such as face painting, dance classes and science lessons! The SCTL was glad to have a chance to meet with families and discuss our work. This event was hosted at the Recreation Center at LIU Post. For more details, please click here.
The SCTL was so glad to attend the Back to School Blast at the Smith Haven Mall. The event included fun activities for children and connections to resources for parents as their children entered school. We look forward to next year!
It's Not "Just Autism": Understanding Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders in ASD Conference
Wednesday, June 7th 2017 8:30am-4:00pm
Wednesday, June 7th 2017 8:30am-4:00pm
This was a one-day conference hosted by Stony Brook University’s psychology and psychiatry departments in partnership with the Developmental Disabilities Iinstitude CRP’s Center of Excellence. This one-day conference discussed the prevalence, assessment, and treatment of co-occurring psychiatric disorders in children with autism, particularly those with limited expressive language and severe/challenging behaviors. With some of the most renowned scholars and providers in this area, attendees were provided valuable information for educators, therapists, parents, direct-service providers and more! For more details, click the following link.
Patchogue-Medford Library's Special Needs Fair
Saturday, April 29th 2017 2:00-5:00pm
Saturday, April 29th 2017 2:00-5:00pm
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab was very enthused to attend this new and exciting public event that is free to all community members. The Special Needs Fair bought together local organizations, providers, and families in need of services. This event took place in the Patchogue-Medford Library, where SCTL held an informational table. We were so glad to meet new families and providers and to be a part of this event!
Long Island's All Kids Fair
Sunday, April 30th 2017 10:00am-4:30pm
Sunday, April 30th 2017 10:00am-4:30pm
Specialty Connections will be hosting the All Kids Fair that consists of services and community programs just for kids! This event consists of over 80 vendors, including the Social Competence and Treatment Lab! We will be holding an informational table at the fair to meet new families and discuss our upcoming, exciting studies! More information about the All kids fair can be found here.
Fourth Annual Music and ASD Event
Sunday, April 23rd 2017 2:00-3:00pm
Sunday, April 23rd 2017 2:00-3:00pm
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab is excited to invite you and your family to our Fourth "Music and ASD" Event right here at Stony Brook University! This event will take place in the Music Building (Fine Arts 1) of the Staller Center on our campus. (Sign in will be at the first floor lobby). Children will have the chance to visit different rooms to listen to and play with instruments from the orchestra and world music ensembles. Feel free to pop in and out of each room at your own pace! Musicians will be performing familiar pieces of classical music and Disney songs. Due to logistical limitations, this event will require RSVP, and space is limited! So, if you are interested, please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your spot by clicking this link.
AHA Spring Conference
Saturday, April 8th 2017 8:15am-4:30pm
Saturday, April 8th 2017 8:15am-4:30pm
The Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism Association, in collaboration with the Adelphi Center for Health Innovation, will be hosting their annual Spring conference at Adelphi University. Keynote Speakers will include Jed Baker, Ph.D and Dena Gassner, MSW. The Social Competence & Treatment Lab will be holding an informational table and is looking forward to meeting some wonderful families and providers and catching up with some older ones! For event details, please follow this link.
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference
Thursday, April 6th- Saturday, April 8th 2017
Thursday, April 6th- Saturday, April 8th 2017
SRCD is and biennial conference that is committed to interdisciplinary research, diversity, and international perspectives on research in child development. Empirical, theoretical, historical, methodological, policy, application and translational submissions from investigators around the globe in all disciplines related to the field of child development are welcomed. The Society also encourages submissions from students, both graduate and undergraduate. This year's theme is Developmental Science and Society.
Interactions at this conference will be between leaders in the field, sharing their latest thoughts and innovations, and exploring how we can move our science and practice forward in meaningful ways. SRCD aims to provide delegates with the opportunity to see leaders in their field interacting with each other and members of the audience to wrestle with the most important and cutting edge issues in research and application of developmental science.
At this year's SRCD conference in Austin, Texas, multiple SCTL members will be presenting their work:
Interactions at this conference will be between leaders in the field, sharing their latest thoughts and innovations, and exploring how we can move our science and practice forward in meaningful ways. SRCD aims to provide delegates with the opportunity to see leaders in their field interacting with each other and members of the audience to wrestle with the most important and cutting edge issues in research and application of developmental science.
At this year's SRCD conference in Austin, Texas, multiple SCTL members will be presenting their work:
- Post Bachelors SCTL coordinator, Rebecca Weber will be presenting a poster "Validation of a Web-based Tool to Assess Social Cognition in Youth with ASD". Co-authors include SCTL Director Matthew Lerner, Erin Kang and team members Nicole Russo-Ponsaran, and Clark McKown from Rush University!
- Post Masters student, Mary Christine O'Brien will be presenting a poster "Contextual Influences on Internalizing Symptoms for Youth with ASD and Their Typically Developing Siblings". Co-authors include SCTL Director Matthew Lerner, Leanne Zinn, Samantha Sommer, and Megan Tudor
- Undergraduate student, Samantha Sommer will be presenting a poster "The Unique Trajectory of Self-Reported Separation Anxiety Symptoms in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders". Co-authors include SCTL Director Matthew Lerner, Tamara Rosen, and Mary Christine O'Brien.
Autism Friendly Dance Classes at Stony Brook University
Biweekly on Fridays in March and April 2017
Biweekly on Fridays in March and April 2017
Students from the Stony Brook School of Medicine are hosting a fun new dance class for individuals 18+ on the autism spectrum and with other developmental disabilities. Classes will be held at the Stony Brook Recreation Center on West Campus on the 2nd floor studio. Participants are advised to come 15 minutes early for classes to start promptly. Get ready to dance ! For more details, please click here.
The Quad Prep School: Breaking Through Walls- Breakthroughs in Twice Exceptional Education
Monday, March 15th-Tuesday, March 16th, 2017 8:00am-5:00pm
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab attended the Third Annual Quad Preparatory School Conference, “Breakthroughs in Twice Exceptional Education ‘17”. The SCTL held an informational table and SCTL Director Dr. Matthew Lerner presented a talk as a Breakout Session Speaker. The SCTL was glad to once again be a part of this event and was delighted to network with different providers. For more information on the Quad Preparatory School, please visit their website.
Monday, March 15th-Tuesday, March 16th, 2017 8:00am-5:00pm
The Social Competence and Treatment Lab attended the Third Annual Quad Preparatory School Conference, “Breakthroughs in Twice Exceptional Education ‘17”. The SCTL held an informational table and SCTL Director Dr. Matthew Lerner presented a talk as a Breakout Session Speaker. The SCTL was glad to once again be a part of this event and was delighted to network with different providers. For more information on the Quad Preparatory School, please visit their website.
DDI Broadcast: DDI (Eye) on Autism
Aired Saturday, March 4th and Saturday, March 11th 2017
SCTL Director Dr. Matthew Lerner was recently featured in a 4-part series on the “DDI (Eye) on Autism” radio show with Dr. Michael Romas! In this series, Dr. Lerner and Dr. Romas consider how children see, think about, and act on their social environment. They also explore how co-occurring psychiatric conditions can impede social competency.
Here are links to each of the shows:
Week 1, Part 1:…/ddi-3-4-matt-lerner-pt-1…
Week 1, Part 2:…/ddi-3-4-matt-lerner-pt-2…
Week 2, Part 1:…/ddi-3-11-matt-lerner-pt-1…
Week 2, Part 2:…/ddi-3-11-matt-lerner-pt-2…
Aired Saturday, March 4th and Saturday, March 11th 2017
SCTL Director Dr. Matthew Lerner was recently featured in a 4-part series on the “DDI (Eye) on Autism” radio show with Dr. Michael Romas! In this series, Dr. Lerner and Dr. Romas consider how children see, think about, and act on their social environment. They also explore how co-occurring psychiatric conditions can impede social competency.
Here are links to each of the shows:
Week 1, Part 1:…/ddi-3-4-matt-lerner-pt-1…
Week 1, Part 2:…/ddi-3-4-matt-lerner-pt-2…
Week 2, Part 1:…/ddi-3-11-matt-lerner-pt-1…
Week 2, Part 2:…/ddi-3-11-matt-lerner-pt-2…
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) Westchester Autism Conference
Friday, February 3rd 2017
Friday, February 3rd 2017
SCTL Director Matthew Lerner will be giving a talk, "New Directions in Understanding and Treating Social Competence in ASD" at the Westchester Marriott hosted by the CARD center. CARD Albany provides evidence-based training and support to families and professionals, and through ongoing research, contributes knowledge to the field of autism spectrum disorders.
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